Friday, July 3, 2009

Sweden, the seat of the environmental movement

There are rumors that Little Miss Muffet packed up her Duffet and journeyed to Sweden. And who could blame her? The Swedes have unveiled their latest attack on global warming: an eco-friendly way to sit on the sidelines. This moss chair extraordinaire mixes natural design, beauty (well if you're the inner beauty type) and practicality. The grass really is greener on the Swedish side.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

We could all benefit by being a little Svensk

Sewn from the seeds of adventure, emerging as a haven for beautiful people and culture, Sweden pops with glory and bursts with honor. She's a land of buxom blonde babes, impassioned gays, 24-hour night and days, stark beer, reindeer, ships to commandeer and a political system that will fucking blow your mind.

Whether it's seeing every moment as jättebra or feeling the freedom of Sweden's Everyman's Law, we could all benefit by being a little Svensk. Those of you being bitched around by the Ameri-conomy lift your nose up from the grindstone and take a fresh whiff of Scandinavia.

'Cause when it comes to motherlands she's the motha flippin. All you skeptics out there take that pole out of your ass, shove it in the grass and dance around it. You're now one step closer to becoming Swede as hell.